Our main goal at BJJBear.com is to create helpful resources (articles and videos) for everyone who wants to get better at Brazilian Jiu-jitsu or just stay on top of things.

We’ve noticed that a lot of the information on BJJ gear is often confusing and intimidating to newcomers. Our focus is on creating easy-to-follow guides to help you start quickly if you’re new, and improving your current knowledge and gear if you’re experienced.

Advertising Policy

BJJBear is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. We show advertising on this website to keep our site running and growing, serving you the best content we can. We recommend products we personally use in our work or genuinely believe will be an asset to you or your projects.

We are not taking any payments from companies or brands to promote their products. We recommend something only when feeling confident there’s a good reason for it. All of the products we are promoting are clearly labeled that they will result in earning us a commission.

Feedback and Suggestions

We’re always open to cooperation, don’t hesitate to send your suggestions via a contact form or reach us via e-mail: [email protected]

Please note that we do not accept guest articles or infographics.

Write for Us

We’re always on the hunt for qualified enthusiast writers who share can provide practical, well-structured, and informative guides. Get in touch with us!