boxing after long break

Getting Back into Boxing After a Long Break – Simple Guide

Everyone occasionally needs a vacation from exercise. Everyone has a reason for taking some time off, whether it be because they have been on vacation, are overworked, or are recovering from an injury.

If you want to get back into boxing after a long break, it’s important to take things slow and gradually build up your fitness and skills. Here are some simple steps you can take to help you get started:

Get Clearance from Your Doctor

Before starting any new exercise routine, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. Your doctor can provide valuable insight into what exercises or activities may be safe and appropriate for you. 

By getting clearance from your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, you can help ensure that you’re taking the necessary steps to protect your health and stay safe while you exercise.

Start With Basic Fitness

If you’ve been out of the game for a while, it’s important to rebuild your basic fitness level before jumping straight into boxing. Starting with low-impact exercises like jogging, cycling, or swimming can be a great way to build up your endurance and improve your cardiovascular fitness, which can be especially helpful for boxing. 

By gradually building up your fitness level over time, you can reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall performance when you start boxing again. With consistent effort and dedication, you can build up your fitness level and get back into boxing safely and effectively.

Find a Coach

Boxing is a complex sport that requires proper technique and form, so finding a coach or trainer who can guide you through the basics and help you build your skills is important.

A good coach can help you develop a solid foundation of boxing skills, including footwork, punches, defense, and ring strategy. They can also provide feedback on your technique and help you adjust to improve your performance. 

By working with a coach or trainer, you can ensure that you’re training safely and effectively and building the skills and fitness level you need to achieve your goals in boxing.

Start With Shadowboxing

Once you’ve built up some basic fitness and found a coach, start with shadowboxing exercises to help you focus on your form, footwork, and basic punching techniques.

Shadowboxing can also be a great way to work on your defense, practicing slipping, weaving, and blocking techniques. During shadowboxing, focus on your footwork, keeping your balance, and maintaining a solid stance. 

By focusing on your technique and form during shadowboxing, you can develop good habits and build a solid foundation for your boxing skills. Over time, you can gradually increase the intensity and complexity of your shadowboxing exercises, incorporating footwork drills, combination punches, and defensive movements to improve your overall performance in the ring.

Focus on Technique

As you progress, focus on improving your technique and form rather than just throwing punches. Work on your footwork, head movement, and defense, gradually build your speed and power.

Practice moving around the ring with purpose and control to improve your footwork. Pay attention to your balance and foot placement, keeping your weight centered and your feet underneath you.

To improve your head movement and defense, practice slipping and weaving drills. Focus on keeping your hands up to protect your face and body, and work on blocking and parrying techniques to deflect incoming punches.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for progress and milestones is a great way to stay motivated and on track with your boxing training. Whether it’s mastering a new technique or achieving a specific fitness goal, taking the time to celebrate your accomplishments can help keep you focused and energized.

Regarding rewards, there are many options depending on your interests and preferences. Some ideas include treating yourself to a new piece of boxing equipment, like a pair of gloves or a new training bag. You could also schedule a massage or other form of self-care to help you recover from your training sessions and stay relaxed and energized.

Other rewards include indulging in your favorite healthy foods or planning a fun outing or activity with friends or family. Whatever reward you choose, make sure it feels meaningful and motivating to you, and that helps you stay committed and focused on your goals in boxing.

Make a Promise 

Making a promise to yourself is a powerful way to stay accountable and committed to your boxing training. When you make a promise, you’re setting a clear intention and committing to yourself that you’ll follow through on your goals and aspirations.

For example, you might promise to train for at least an hour every day or work with a coach to improve your technique and form. Or you might promise to stick to a specific nutrition plan or workout routine that supports your training goals.

Whatever promise you make, be sure to write it down and keep it in a visible place where you can see it every day. This will help you stay focused and committed to your goals.

Be Patient

Returning to boxing after a long break can be a challenging process, both physically and mentally. It’s important to approach the process with patience, focus, and a willingness to make steady progress over time.

Remember that progress doesn’t happen overnight, and setting realistic goals and expectations for yourself as you work to rebuild your fitness and skills is important. Instead of trying to do too much too soon, focus on making small, incremental improvements over time. This might mean starting with shorter training sessions or lower-intensity workouts and gradually building your endurance and intensity.

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