cauliflower ear

How Long Does It Take to Get Cauliflower Ear from BJJ?

Cauliflower ear is common among grapplers, especially those training for MMA or other combat sports. The condition causes the ears to swell up and harden to a point where they are similar in texture with cauliflowers-hence why it gets its name! Symptoms of Cauliflower Ear You can feel it when you start getting cauliflower ear….

BJJ Belt Levens and Progression: How Long to BJJ Black Belt?

There is a belt system in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. For children under 15, there are only five belts: white, gray, yellow, orange, green. For those aged 15 and over, the belt system in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is as follows: white, blue, purple, brown, black, red-black (sometimes said coral) – 7th degree, red-white – 8th degree, red –…

Best BJJ Mobility Drills in 2025

Mobility is something often neglected when training BJJ. It is one of those things that is always overlooked, but when done right, it changes everything. If you’re someone who feels like they’re having a hard time adapting to BJJ submissions (kimura, triangle chokes, etc.), then this is for you. To be frank, whether you’re a…

BJJ Conditioning and Strength Training: The Definitive Guide

Picture this; it’s the year 1993, the inception of martial arts competition as we know it. UFC 1: 216 lbs Dutch Karateka Gerard Gordeau fights 176 lbs BJJ Black Belt Royce Gracie. A heavyweight striker vs. a welterweight Juijiteiro by today’s standard. We all know the skilled underdog won and shocked the world by beating…

Best Stretches for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to Improve Flexibility and Prevent Injury

Do you feel tight, beat up, and unable to perform some positions in BJJ simply because you’ve been led to believe that you’re not flexible? You’ve probably skimmed through the internet for a good stretching routine but found nothing noteworthy? To be frank, there’s a lot of workouts and stretches for BJJ out there. That’s…