The Best BJJ Documentaries to Watch in 2024

BJJ is an amazing martial art that you can use for self-defense or compete in tournaments. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has been around for a long time, but it’s only recently that the best BJJ documentaries have come out. Here are 10 of the best BJJ documentaries so far! The best BJJ documentaries provide an in-depth look … Read more

Why Do MMA Fighters Have Disfigured Ears or Cauliflower Ear?

One of the striking features of UFC fighters is their “cauliflower ear.” By “cauliflower ear,” I mean the deformity of the ear, sometimes beyond recognition. But why do UFC fighters have ugly ears in the first place? A “cauliflower” ear results from repetitive blows or trauma to the outer ear in combat sports. In turn, … Read more

BJJ Belt Levens and Progression: How Long to BJJ Black Belt?

There is a belt system in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. For children under 15, there are only five belts: white, gray, yellow, orange, green. For those aged 15 and over, the belt system in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is as follows: white, blue, purple, brown, black, red-black (sometimes said coral) – 7th degree, red-white – 8th degree, red – … Read more

How to Tie Your BJJ Belt?

There are different ways you can tie your belt. Some prefer the quick and easy method, while others like making sure it won’t come undone easily, so they have an extra layer of security when practicing or competing in front of a crowd! These popular methods on how people choose to do their own tying … Read more

Hottest Female UFC Fighters

“MMA and Women” still makes some people frown. It takes a lot of courage to go out into a man’s world and make a name for yourself. If you’re an avid MMA fan, you probably know most women on the list and you’re aware of the fact that there’s some serious eye candy. Not only … Read more

How Many Rounds Are In an MMA Fight?

A UFC fight lasts for either three or five rounds. Non-championship bouts are usually scheduled for 3 rounds, while championship bouts and main event fights are five rounds. Each round in the UFC is five minutes long, with a one-minute break in between rounds. The number of rounds in an MMA fight differs from promotion … Read more

Best Hemp Gis Reviewed 2024

Choosing the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu uniform is crucial to your training. The pulling, throwing, chokeholds, and other BJJ moves put quite a strain even on the best of uniforms. But there is a solution … hemp gis! Hemp gis are more environmentally friendly. Since hemp fibers are four times stronger than cotton, it means that … Read more

Best BJJ Belts Reviewed 2024

BJJ Belt Rankings

If Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu were a beauty contest, we would be rocking some nice-looking belts all the time. Unfortunately, you have to stick with one belt for months or years until you are promoted to the next level. Sometimes your gym or club might offer you a BJJ belt, but the color, quality, and material might … Read more

Best Kids BJJ Gis in 2024

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is undeniably one of the best martial arts sport to get your kids involved in. It helps them gain confidence, discipline, resilience, and technique. Besides, BJJ is a whole lot of fun for children. Getting your kids into Jiu-Jitsu can be easy, but the problem comes when shopping for a kids BJJ gi. … Read more

The Best Judo Gi Reviewed 2024

Over the years, since Judo and Karate, we’re the first martial arts that came in with Gis; they were the main ones used. As time went by, other sports such as Aikido and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu picked up the tradition. Training in a gi or uniform is a standard in many traditional martial arts. So if … Read more